Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moms Help Sustain Motherless Baby

I read this post on

"Charles Moses Martin Goodrich was born on Jan. 11, but when his dad said he wanted the boy to receive breastmilk right off the bat, he was told the hospital didn't have a milk bank. A delivery could come in from elsewhere in Michigan, but it would take several days to ship.

"Then Robbie Goodrich got a call of condolence from a friend, a mom who was still nursing her one-year-old daughter. Anything the family needed, she said, anything. . . even her breastmilk. It's when Robbie told his hometown paper that things clicked - he realized other moms might want to help him in his plight, and he called on a family friend to help him round up moms with something to give..."

Read the rest of the story, by Jeanne Sager, here:

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